Sorority Website
Brief Description
Latinas Promoviendo Comunidad/ Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc. Tau chapter at Union College in Schenectady, NY is in need of a website. This project begins to flesh out a website designed to:
-be a recruiting tool for interested women who would like to join the organization at Union College
-serve as an advertising tool for promoting community service, programming, and social events
-provide users information about the sorority on a national and chapter level
-provide users with member information
-display a chapter photo album or mini videos of various events
-provide a guest book for posting messages

Methods Used
Requirements were based on the feedback of the Tau Chapter members. Wireframe prototypes were created for the site as well as user interface specifications.

The target audience is undergraduate women who could potentially be interested in joining the organization. These women are primarily freshman exploring their college campus and looking into different organizational options. These women could be interested in the social aspects of Greek life, could genuinely be interested in community service and advancement and empowerment of women, or touched by the bond among the sisters. For example:
Name: Maria Gonzalez
Age: 18 years old
Ethnicity: Colombian
Year: Second semester freshman
Major: Sociology
Hometown: Raleigh, North Carolina

Activism: Involved in student ambassadors, attends general body meetings for ethnic organization Interest: Giving back to low income communities through education, advocate for immigrant rights Technical Ability: Constantly checks email, signs on AIM, uses FaceBook and MySpace, looks at movies online Reason of Interest: To join a group of women who are active and make an impact on the college campus and their respective home communities

Usage/Task Scenario: Maria attended a program entitled “La Operacion” (the operation) in her dorm’s community lounge sponsored by the organization Latinas Promoviendo Comunidad/ Lambda Pi Chi Sorority, Inc. at Union College. She could not believe that college undergraduate women within this organization researched the sterilization of women in Puerto Rico that occurred between 1940 and 1970, showed a documentary, and lead a discussion. Intrigued by who these women were and express her interest, Maria finds their chapter’s school website online. Once on the sight, Maria is fascinated by the elegant, professional flash intro. When the intro finishes, she clicks the “Hermanas” (sisters) link to see their biographical statements. She sees that these women are of different races, different hometowns, and have different career goals. Next Maria sees a “Contact Us” link. The link takes her to a page where she can submit her personal information in order to express her interest in the organization and be put on an e-mailing list to be advised of future events. The navigation was easy and she was able to find out about the sisters and express her interest online.