Capstone: Intranet Evaluation
Brief Description
For my capstone course at DePaul, I decided to do a research project involving my sorority's newly launched intranet. Several research methods were used to acquire different types of data. Although not originally planned, the results from each method lead to the decision of the next inquiry method to evaluate different aspects of the intranet interface. It was interesting to compare the results from each evaluation method and see where there was overlap. Ultimately, the combined results lead to possible redesign interface solutions that can provide a more satisfying user experience.

Methods Used
Heuristic evaluation was conducted to evaluate the intranet interface. The suggestions from the evaluation lead to a card sort exercise to help improve the IA for navigation. Usability testing was conducted to observe how efficient a member could edit a profile, change alert preferences, post a blog, create and upload a picture to an album, and switch between the private intranet and public sorority website. The final method used was a survey to gather qualitative data for user satisfaction.